Good Times ~Parties ~Get-together
I am thinking about our move to Kauai. How do I pack everything I think I'll need for a year on an island? And not take too much. Flip flops and shorts, One suitcase. No over the knee boots or fur vests, not this year. No animal print or a new fab bag. The pointy toe shoes and stilettos are staying in LA. Say goodbye to dinners in chef's restaurants and hello to cooking at home. Thank goodness I love to cook and party. Stock up on candles, shampoo,sunscreen and beauty products.
Next to my kids and Andy, my cookbooks are my lifeline, which ones go and which stay? A tough decision and another blog.
The only way I can handle the thought of moving out of our house of 14 years, is by cleaning a a few drawers per day. Their is fourteen years stuff collected and don't really need now. Except.. framed photo's of graduations, friends, exotic vacations, kids growing up, and every birthday. Those precious framed pictures, are packed. Drawers of random phone chargers, old camera's, dated video camera's, batteries, in the dumper. Face it, we all have the same stuff in our homes. Piles and files,stashed away projects saved for a rainy day. They say that clutter is indecision.
I am cleaning out the indecision in Beverly Hills. Loli is moving to an apartment and Alex to USC. Unlike us, they have accumulated small piles of junk and yet I am buying everything they need for their new homes. I decided to look in my own cupboards, I have too much to share. Pots, pans, blankets, pillows, sheets, frames, kitchen utensils, serving pieces, coffee machines, exotic ingredients and the latest spices. We have enough in our home to outfit both apartments. Who needs Target, Best Buy, Costco, West Elm, William Sonoma, Bloomingdale's and so forth.. Our house is filled to the hilt with stuff enough for three homes.
Everyone in my family has a chance for a fresh start. Even though their homes are new, their apartments have a few gently used things of mine . I found solace in giving them kitchen equipment that we have used together over the years. My favorite tea cups, serving spoons, and serving dishes, I know will be useful. Will they think of us, when they use the big gold platter with black ruffled edges. Will the sake set remind them of the first time we had a make your own sushi party? Does my espresso machine set into motion our Sunday morning excursions to the Hollywood farmers market?
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